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Funding of Buy / Sell Agreements : 

As a business owner, you have invested a great deal of time, money and your energy into growing your business to make it successful. Your efforts have provided income for your family as well as for the families of your employees.  Your business contributes a great deal to the local economy and community.  If something were to happen to you, could your business continue to prosper without you?  Who would carry on if you should become disabled, retire or die?  

A buy - sell arrangement identifies a buyer and it sets a fair and equitable price for the buy out in the form of a contract between you and that prospective buyer. Many people fund the arrangement with the purchase of a life insurance policy on the seller. This ensures the seller and the buyer that the money will be available to complete the buyout when the owner - seller dies. The buy - sell arrangement also identifies the selling price the buyer will pay  to the owner - seller's family so there will be no negotiations necessary at a time when the owner-seller's family may be vulnerable. 

There are several ways to fund a buy-sell arrangement.  We can help you through this process by explaining your options and helping you to make the proper decision for your situation.

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